There are often situations where businesses are not able to utilize the solutions on the market. Due to security or operational requirements, the need for rapid adjustments and improvements in functionality or perhaps long-term economical reasons. An ideal solution may be to custom build a product that meets the specific needs of your business and brand.

Our specialty is understanding the exact user experience required and asking the best possible questions so that you can create the product you want for your team. We have both the experience and the bandwidth to accomplish this.

Accor Spalytics

A custom built solution for Accor Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, featuring real-time tracking of business KPI’s to enable stronger communication of performance strategies between hotel spa leaders with corporate and regional stakeholders.

Gaming Patron Feedback Solution

A performance based feedback system, built for the gaming industry to assist accurate and timely feedback from VIP players to operational leaders. This resulted in effective understanding of players’ needs as well as challenges and recovery activity.


A global spa operation within multiple high volume hotels and cruise ships with a heavy focus on retail and treatment production analytics. Xin Performance created a custom solution to implement ESPA requriements for system adoption and data analysis.